Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is the name of the French animated film done in black and white about nightmares?

There are three or four different nightmares portrayed in the film and each has it's own animation style. I can't remember the name and I really want to watch it again.|||Film noir?

What film should me and my girlfriend watch on sunday?

Usually on sundays i watch a film with my girlfriend. Recently i've started downloading some, what would you recommend us to watch this weekend? Romantic and Comedy suggestions please, i have loads of horror and they all **** her up so there out of the question.|||Any Judd Apatow movies are funny, he's written and produced loads including Knocked Up, 40 year Old Virgin %26amp; Anchorman.

I also love Adam Sandler films like 50 First Dates, The Wedding Singer, The Waterboy %26amp; Little Nicky

but thats just me!|||If you make it out to the theaters, then your best bets are either Taken (action), He's Just Not That Into You (romance/comedy), or Slumdog Millionaire (Best Picture winner).

If you're going to download a film to watch, then I recommend the following:

Romance: Titanic, The Notebook, Away From Her, Before Sunset, Bella, Nights in Rodanthe, Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Comedy: 40 Year Old Virgin, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Knocked Up, Superbad, Anchorman, Death at a Funeral, Little Miss Sunshine, Juno, Tropic Thunder

Hope this helps.|||These are all romantic comedies, which I, and most men, can stand to see. Straight up romances lose my attention fast.

When Harry Met Sally (Meg Ryan %26amp; Billy Crystal)

Pretty Woman (Julia Roberts %26amp; Richard Gere)

I.Q. (Tim Robbins %26amp; Meg Ryan)

Classic romantic comedies:

Desk Set (Spencer Tracy %26amp; Katherine Hepburn)

Bringing Up Baby (Katherine Hepburn %26amp; Cary Grant)

It Happened One Night (Clark Gable %26amp; Claudette Colbert)

Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (Gary Cooper %26amp; Jean Arthur)

The African Queen (Humphery Bogart and Katherine Hepburn)

The Philadelphia Story (Cary Grant %26amp; Katherine Hepburn, again)

The Quiet Man (John Wayne %26amp; Maureen O'Hara)|||Some romantic comedies that me %26amp; my bf both enjoy (i.e. not too girly!) are:

Nick %26amp; Norah's Infinite Playlist

Knocked Up

Zack %26amp; Miri Make a Porno

The House Bunny

The Wedding Singer

50 First Dates

Step Brothers (OK, not romantic but funny as hell!)|||A romantic one would be The Notebook and really good comedy is The Hot Chick. those r both really good movies and they are my favorite!!!|||Love Story. Its a classic, and beautiful.|||A lot of the other answerers have good ideas. Try Yahoo! Movies for more.|||have you tried asking your girlfriend for ideas?

What is a good film to give a friend for her 18th birthday?

Preferably a coming of age film, it would be perfect if it included an 18 year old girl! She likes dramas, comedies, romances and historical films. I'm going to add it to a welcome to adulthood basket.|||ya , it will awesome gift . for sure.,|||Just get her a porno. JK|||The ugly truth is a great movie i think she will enjoy it.. Its a romance comedy.|||If you've been friends for a while, think of a film you have watched together that she really loved indtead of something that's about coming of age just for the sake of it.

It would be really nice if she had something that made her think of you and being younger (that's what i felt on my 18th, anyway)|||Barely Legal, not the porno series.

How to get started in photography/film?

I want to learn how to shoot video and also take good quality pictures (film not digital). But! I've never even held a camcorder and the only camera I've ever used were disposable ones. How would I go about learning how to work with film and photography? Also I want to do black and white film and photography. And I don't want to go to uni or any classes for it. Advice is very appreciated, thanks!|||Hello Lena:

As phrased, your question is a little vague. In addition to still photography, are you interested in film or video? The reason I ask is that although similar--shooting in traditional (movie) film is a different discipline from shooting with video.

If you don't want to go to any formal classes (at a university or other class) you can self-teach yourself through any number of books or other resources. The advantage of taking a class, let's say in photography, is that you'll have access to the class resources (like the digital darkroom or the traditional "wet darkroom").

Your biggest logistical hurdle will be getting the starting equipment. For getting started in still photography, you're going to need to get a digital or film camera. If you have your heart set on shooting film, then you can find yourself a good pre-owned 35mm single-lens reflex (SLR) camera with a good lens. Make sure that whatever camera you get, that it has a "full manual" mode.

As for getting started in film, that's a little more problematic than learning to shot video. For one thing--video equipment is pretty ubiquitous these days.

You have to decide how much of a budget you have, and how to come up with the money to fund your learning curve. You can start by doing a Yahoo! search using key words like:

"What equipment do I need to learn how to shoot film?"

"What equipment do I need to learn how to shoot video?"

From there, you can get the basic equipment list and start shopping around for new or used equipment.

Hope this helps.|||There are books, but really you have set yourself a hard task if you don't want to talk to people who are already doing it and are willing to help you. That sort of thing is very 'hands on' so you should try to learn from someone who can show you.|||1) You will HAVE TO learn about manual settings--shutter speed, aperture, ASA/ISO, etc...

2) Pick up a cheap 35mm SLR for under $50|||You might look up museums in your area. Some of them do ofter short classes.

What are the best ways to exhibit a film these days in Britain?

On the internet? In film festivals? At cinemas? On the television?

Cheers guys, thanks for your help. Thorough answers will get top marks.|||Cinema

What is the best way to clean the film off of crystal glasses?

Our Waterford glasses have a film on them that will not wipe off. What can I use to get the shine back in the glasses?|||What you see as film may actually be scratches. If your crystal is scratched (Happens when washed in dishwashers or with any abrasive cleaner) then there is no cure for it.

You can soak EITHER in ammonia/water solution OR white vinegar/water solution but don't mix the ammonia with the vinegar!|||If you've tried vinegar/lemon juice rinse and wiping them with a soft cloth to no avail; try washing them with a smaller amount of detergent - using too much can sometimes leave a film on glasses. Also try a different type of rinse solution.|||Soap or vinegar should do the job. Crystal glass is very resilient, you could dip them in HCL to clean them if you want.|||use ur breath and then wipe it with a towel or use lestoil . lol|||Loll wow weird question i would say vinegar|||You could try a mixing equal parts vinegar and water and then polishing with a soft cloth. Some people use lemon juice and then rinse with water before polishing.|||Try vinegar or lemon juice and if that does not work try that product CRL glass cleaner.


What would happen if you recorded a 3D film on a hand held video camera?

Basically a friend and I were wondering if you recorded a 3D film on a video camera could you just put the 3D glasses over the lens and it be 3D for everyone?|||If you recorded one with the glasses over the lens it wouldn't be 3d for everyone, if that was the case they would just do that before putting it in the theaters.

From what I can tell to make it 3d they blur the 3d parts, when you put the glasses on it puts the image in focus and tricks your brain into thinking it's coming toward you. So if you recorded and watched it with the glasses on it would probably work|||No, unfortunately it is not that simple. You would need two cameras filming at the same time with a filter over each lens and then some special software to merge the recordings into one stream and then convert it into 3D. There are cameras that do this but cost a lot of money.