Thursday, December 15, 2011

What are some good short film categories for a school club?

I recently started a film club at my high school and we are doing these small short film competitions. We started our first competition where there were four teams that had to make a fake news show because i figured make the first one easy. I need some help coming up with other categories. I was thinking a game show, do your own version of SNL celebrity jeopardy, parody a tv show, parody a movie scene, and film your own SNL style skit. Are these good ideas and can you help me thinking of some others?|||Your ideahs sound fun, see if any of these might work

silent movies,

stop motion


tv sales commercial, "if you buy the waffle maker in ten minute, you get a laser hair remover free"

a tutorial video, like a cooking show or excersize vid,could be funny or seriouse,

PSA= public servise announcment

reality tv show

soap opera

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