Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do you become a film director?


As you can probably already tell I really want to be a film director. Like A BIG film director :) (And I live in Aus if that helps)

So I was just wondering, how you do that? I hear that you need to be well-connected, but if you don't have relatives or friends in high places in the film industry, then how do you get well-connected?

Thank you!|||It helps to go to film school. There are several books that will help you learn about some basic things, lighting, framing the shot, editing. A lot of today's big name directors and actors got their start working for Roger Corman, often in fairly unimportant roles. Start of as a gofer and after a while you've worked your way up the ladder.

But they didn't work their way up because they were tight with Corman. They worked their way up because Corman's greatest talent was an ability to spot talent.

Steven Spielberg started making films when he was still a child.

Get yourself a camera. If it was good enough for him....|||Get a camera, actors. Tell actors what to do, film it. If somebody likes your film, they'll buy it.

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