Monday, December 12, 2011

What are two good movies to compare for a four page film essay?

I have to write a film essay comparing 2 similar films made past 1950. There is very little instruction given by the instructor. The only thing she told us is we have to compare two films and create a debatable thesis between the two films that can be backed up with evidence. Some examples I could use for comparison are two films telling a similar story, treating a similar issue, same director, or use a similar device. So what are some films that I should compare and what are some ideas for a thesis. Thanks|||watch the 1989 version of the movie The Punisher with Dolph Lungren. Then watch The Punisher: War Zone (2008) and write about how much better the new one is and how it is most like the comic book of any of the Punisher movies.|||lots of Hitchcock movies that would make for great comparisons: Vertigo, Psycho, North by Northwest, Rope, etc. Something about how Hitchcock loved tormenting his blonde actresses. Or how he used film techniques to fool the audience.

Truffaut (another great director) said "It was impossible not to see that the love scenes were filmed like murder scenes, and the murder scenes like love scenes...It occurred to me that in Hitchcock's make love and to die are one and the same." You could compare two Hitchcock movies and agree or disagree with the statement.

Hitchcock once said "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." you could compare one of his movies with a bloodier modern movie and agree or disagree with his statement.

You might compare Psycho, Peeping Tom, or Red Dragon--three movies about serial killers told from their perspective.|||There's Knowing

Or The vampire's assistant

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