Saturday, December 17, 2011

How much to charge to film a friends wedding?

A friend of mine from high school is getting married and they have asked me to film the wedding.

They want to pay me, even though I will be a guest. I will be filming for roughly six hours and I may be doing the photography as well.

How much should I charge to film and photograph this event?|||I'm a bit confused? Are you both professional wedding photographer/videographers? If so, you should charge your normal rate. Your work is the same as for any other client. Are you doing less for them? I just don't get the question if you are professionals.

If you are not pros at weddings, you need to first off educate yourselves in wedding shooting as it's a whole different ballgame then anything else. Weddings are a one time shot, no do-overs.

If you are amateur at weddings, I would charge no more than $2000 for both photo %26amp; video. If you are pros I would charge your normal fee %26amp; either make a special album for them or gift them an engagement session, for example.|||it's impossible to be the videographer AND the wedding photographer at the same time. how are you gonna juggle two jobs at the same time and produce quality products? unless you hire someone else to do either.

will you be doing the editing as well? like, typical, no brainer editing that anyone who has no experience but the software is able to do? or will your editing be those professional kind?

if it's professional, then i'd suggest $2k, thereabouts. don't forget they're paying for photography AND videography and you need to pay your assistant.

if it's unprofessional editing... probably half the price.|||I don't have any idea about the photography rates. You can take help from a professional wedding photographer, because you want to shoot in your friend wedding so you must know all the techniques, how to capture good wedding photography. You can see wedding stuff as my friend did in her sister marriage from this website|||Find out what the rates are for a professional. Call a few professional photographers from the yellow pages and ask them for quotes, then knock down a couple hundreds. You may be a guest but you will be a working guest. Six hours is a long time to be filming. I wouldn't charge less than $300.00 but I don't know what the rates are.

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