Thursday, December 15, 2011

How can I contact a producer or film company with a business idea?

I have a serivce for the film industry but I don't know how to connect with a producer. How can I get an email or contact information?|||You have to cold call people until someone will meet with you. Get an attorney though and have anyone you talk to sign a waiver - if it's a good idea, it will be stolen if you don't protect yourself.

There are directories for the industry - purchase one or go online. LA411 and NY411 are popular.|||It depends on what you mean by "a service for the film industry". Depends on what kind of service you have in mind. Most film companies and producers are not going to deal with you unless and until you have a business address and a name. If you are just starting up, they are not going to invest in any business without a track record, unless you have some product or technology for which they have an immediate need.

Film companies are producing films or TV shows--not any other thing. If you have a business idea, then that is going to require someone with enough support and money, you should become knowledgeable about VC's (venture capitalists), to invest in start-up businesses. You need to have a business plan, and some real expertise in presenting these ideas to others (after perfecting and protecting them legally.)

Show business and its film branches are big business. BUt there are a lot of sharks out there. Beware. and...Good luck.

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