Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the difference between sexualities in film ratings?

Film ratings contain descriptions such as some sexuality, sexuality, strong sexuality, explicit sexuality, and graphic sexuality.

I would assume that "some sexuality" means that there is a brief sex scene but nothing is shown, and that "graphic sexuality" means that nothing is left to the imagination. But where are the lines drawn in between?|||some sexuality usually means a single sex scene, in which the scene is strong, has some nudity, but it's not fully a strong sex scene.

sexuality, usually means a series of sex scenes throughout the film, they aren't graphic, but they are all crude

strong sexuality, usually means a series of strong sex scenes, usally over-long and full of nudity

explicit sexuality is usually only for NC-17 films, which usually means the film contains very graphic nudity and a hardcore sex scene

graphic sexuality usually means the scene is full of graphic nudity, graphic sexual content, but not hardcore enough to earn an NC-17 rating, this usually is the crudest rating an R rated film can get.

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