Thursday, December 15, 2011

How can I replace alcohol and a film in the evening?

My new year's resolution is giving up alcohol. I'm never happier than watching a film with a bottle of wine but I'm all too aware of the long term health risks. The trouble is, I'm not sure what to do instead; either pursuing an active hobby or perhaps something on the internet that completely takes my attention. Any (intelligent) suggestions would be most appreciated - thanks!|||Reading? Start making a list of classics that you want to read, look up some books that interest you and start.

Begin writing your own stories?|||replace your alcohol with a non alcoholic drink|||Coffee and a book?

You can replace the alcohol for regular drinks like coffee, pepsi, tea, iced tea, orange juice... You don't have to give up movies, as far as I know the movie doesn't come with an attached wine bottle :)

Try eating some popcorn, or maybe try not to eat nor drink anything if you're not thirsty. If you are, just grab a glass of water and let yourself be into the movie.

Good luck with that :D (And one or two glasses of red wine are not bad for your health)|||exercise, something you enjoy would give you a great emotional boost that might offset the feeling you get with wine.

i like the movie idea. and did you know that the mediterrean diet which claims to be healthier than ours, includes 1 glass of wine a day? so you might want to rethink the wine..or at least look into this.

other ideas.. yup hobbies are a good one, get busy with your hands.

sounds like you stay in alot, so i would suggest going for walks.

but if you work hard and just need to relax, curl up with a good book. or get creative and take up painting/drawing or something along those lines. hobbies can be time consuming, packratty and expensive :)

good luck on your new years resolution. Mine if your interested is going so-so..i'm not perfect, but lost some weight so far.|||answering questions on here might sound or seem not fun or cool but the time flys and its kinda hard to stop once you get into should of just gave up wine then you could still drink|||honestly, if you want to avoid long term health risks, then an active hobby would be better than sitting in front of the internet... try going to the gym, or swimming if you're into it. if sports is not really your thing theres always puzzles or you can read a book. maybe go out and meet with friends... or try watching movies without the bottle of wine, maybe just one glass since it can actually be good for you in moderate amounts.|||Why not carry on as normal but without the wine|||Well. You can try to help someone who need your help. For exemple homeless. Think about.|||Can you watch films while drinking tea? Or are they no good if you're entirely sober?|||Try doing this, add some of the wine you like to something like grape juice or apple juice, once you have an amount that is suitable then go ahead and drink your usual amount but of this mixture.

Then after keeping this mixture up for a couple of weeks try lessoning the amount of wine and drinking this for a couple of weeks, do this until all you are drinking is juice!

Keep in mind that this could take a while, like a least six months.

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