Saturday, December 17, 2011

What kind of cameras are used in the film industry today?

Of course, it's expensive to buy these equipments but I'm just curious about it. What other companies design or manufacture in specificity in film cameras only?|||Most "Hollywood" feature films and one-hour narrative episodics are shot with film. As HD technology progresses, some features and television are using electronic acquisition.

There aren't compiled statistics, but in my twenty years of experience on hundreds of sets, Panavision equipment has by far been the most popular and used. Arriflex is second and others, like MovieCam and Aaton, show up from time to time.

As technology and economics evolve, most film equipment companies have devoted resources toward developing electronic acquisition tools as well to compete. So, Panavision has offered the Genesis, while ARRI offers the D21, and new cameras, like RED, are new tools for the cinematographer.

As of this moment, though, if you were to walk onto every feature film set around the world, you would likely see a Panavision camera being used as the "A" camera. Panavision has "Panavised" other cameras so that they will be more useful for Camera Assistants. You can NOT buy Panavision cameras and equipment. Panavision is rental only. All other camera types can be purchased or rented from camera equipment houses that are located around the world.

Indie (Independent) filmmakers are usually on a tight budget, so on those sets, you'll see a large variety of cameras, mostly "digital," now that "24P" is within their budget. It's for that reason that most film festivals around the world have adjusted to allow digital screenings for movies.

Brian Dzyak


Los Angeles, California

IATSE Local 600, SOC|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Cameras used in commercial are divide by film type and digital. In film it is mainly Arriflex and Pananvison that is used, in digital Panasonic cameras play the game and film parts are dited on computers to create the special effects.|||canon

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