Monday, December 12, 2011

How many days do actors film a movie for?

Say they were filming a 90-day film. Do actors/actresses do all 90 days ? If not how many days do you think they would do filming for?|||That depends. Someone with one line in a film is usually out in three days, while someone (say.... Johnny Depp in the last Pirate movie) who's more featured is probably on set for more like 75 days. It really depends on the size of the role/amount of screen time.

In general, to save cost, if an actor is needed for say, three scene,es they might try and film to specific scenes close together so they can release the actor (and not pay for their room anymore if it's on location). But this is more of a courtesy. On days one's scene isn;t shooting, they aren't needed so they can sit home.|||Not necessarily all 90 days. How many days depends on how big the actors role is and order of scenes theyfilm in

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