Saturday, December 17, 2011

How do I become an artist and film director?

I want to become an artist and a film director/screenwriter. Can I become both or can I choose only one path? What can I do to be both? How many years will it take? Do I have to go to university?|||Any creative job is artistic. So by becoming a director you become an artist. If you want to be a director (film or video) the best path is a degree. Most film directors earn a degree (four years), but it can also be done without a degree. Some of us start off in local television. Local TV stations hire people with or without degrees. Keep in mind that most of what you see on television is filmed.

There are many different ways to start a career in the entertainment industry. Just remember that you should learn many different skills to survive in this fast-paced and highly competitive field. The articles below will basically explain how the entertainment industry works, to help you plan your career and how to earn a living doing it.

TV Film %26amp; Video Careers

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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