Monday, December 5, 2011

How would I develop film for a lomo camera?

I love lomography and the style and I want to buy a lomo camera, but I don't know how to develop film. So I was wondering if I could get the film developed at say a drugstore like I can with a disposable camera? And if not, where can I get the film developed?|||Any photography shop should be able to get it developed for you. Probably drugstores, too. Lomography is more a style of photography than a technology, but, if you do it with a standard film type, which is what single-use cameras use, anyplace that can develop film from them should be able to develop the film you're using.|||35mm, which is less lomo, can be developed almost anywhere. 120, which is more lomo, is more difficult but there is a zillion questiosn here and discussions on any board dealing with photography of places that do 120 film|||I agree. There would be some general missunderstanding with the term. Film cameras use film

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