Monday, December 12, 2011

What kind of film do I need for my old camera?

My uncle just recently gave me an old MINOLTA SR-T 202 and I have actually never used a film camera before.

What type of film do I need to buy or would you suggest for the best quality/price? The only thing I know about this camera so far is that it's a 35mm.

Thanks!|||Your camera uses 135 film also called 35mm film like...鈥?/a>

The film I choose depends on the particular look I am wanting. That is why there are so many different films from the same manufacturer. Some films are known for their color saturation, and others for the grain. The best thing to do is visit your local camera shop for recommendations for different situations.

I have always had good results using Ilford film though.|||Below are some web links about your camera.

There are links to film sources.

You should start out using some ASA 100 or 200 35mm Black/White film and get familiar to your camera and learn something about composing the frame.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Once you find out how to use your camera and figure out what you want to take pictures of. You can try using color film or slide film to get better shots of your subject matter. There are a few online learning websites. or you can take a photo or art class at your local college.

Hope this information helps.|||Any 35mm film will work.

It's probably easiest to start with regular ol' color negative film. After that, you can experiment with black and white film, or slide film.

Don't be concerned with "best quality/price", as: A) there is no such thing, and B) if there was, you'll learn as you go along which films you like the most (by reading about the different brands and by experimenting)|||You need 135 film. You can choose from several types - slide film, negative film, black and white etc.

Just buy a 100 asa colour film to start with.

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