Sunday, December 4, 2011

How can I stop a greasy film covering stuff in my kitchen?

I fry less and less these days, yet this film seems to get worse. Are we just getting more picky about cleanliness? I find food smells in the house revolting now (bacon definitely out, though I love the taste), though in the past they were just a part of comforting home atmosphere.|||My guess is that no matter what cooking method you use, but especially stovetop cooking, and especially greasy frying, you will have some greasy particles settling on surfaces in the kitchen. It kind of goes with the territory of kitchen mess.

So you are on the right track by cutting down on fried foods, but that also includes the healthy uses of oil, too...sauteeing in olive oil, etc and most anything in a skillet. If you do this type of cooking, you might want to try more lids or a spatter shield, or cooking with a vent fan on high/higher to get the cooking smoke, steam, whatever gets in the air out of your kitchen before those particles settle on things. All of it will contain some grease if there was fat in the food or if you added fat to the food.

It's probably true that you are getting more picky but I would say it has less to do with your cleaning standards and more to do with your sensitivity to certain things. Similar to when a smoker quits smoking, they start smelling smoke and it usually gets more and more repulsive to them. If you are in a big lifestyle switch to eliminate fried foods, maybe you are just more sensitive to those smells...and it would follow that if you are putting so much effort into making the change, the greasy mess of your new cooking would seem all the more frustrating.

As for cleaning up the mess, I use Windex on almost all hard surfaces in my house, it is great on grease, and disinfects. You could also use vinegar in a spray bottle, for grease cutting, disinfecting, as well as deodorizing your kitchen.|||Try cleaning the filter in your range hood.|||You can also clean it in your dishwasher for a thorough clean.|||Use White Vinegar mixed in hot water and clean everything in your kitchen with the vinegar mixture, this will remove the residue that it plagueing you and will also remove the odors, then when you have done this, try applying undiluted vinegar to your walls only if they are washable wallpaper or gloss or semi gloss paint don't apply to flat or satin finish paint as it will remove some of that paint, Vinegar will clean, deodorize remove stains, residue and disinfect, Vinegar has been touted as being the best disinfectant in the world. Good Luck !|||Pork causes one to leave one's problems behind for others; many are innocent who are believed not to be. It is good you are not eating the bacon. It is a long process to see what might be the cause of something recurring such as this when all one wants to do is eat and have happy family life|||vent the air with a fan to move the air from the top of the room , you will be makin' bakin' again!|||Stuck on grease is usually a sticky goo-ish type substance that is best dealt with by using a soapy kind of cleanser- namely a degreaser along the lines of 409- and a heavy duty nylon scrubbing pad.

Good Luck!..=)

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