Monday, December 12, 2011

What's the procedure to getting permission to film at certain locations?

I'm a student in high school and need to film a quick video for a project. If I have to, I'll film in and around my house, but I'd like more "exotic" locations.|||One way of doing it is just filming and riksing being told to stop and leave! (And then just try somewhere else!)

Another optiong is to call up the place (Find any number for the place and tell them you need a filming permit and they'll know who you need to talk to), they will tell you what you need to do, most places have different policies in regard to filming. Its good that you tell them its a student project, otherwise they may charge you for the filming (I think its to do with the film being aired pubicly, but if you DO air your film at some point afterwards I assume you can deal with that then).

If they just say you don't need a permit and its okay to film, ask for the name of the person you speak to and if any one tries to stop your filming say that that person told you it was ok.

Hope this helps.. good luck!|||Well, go to your local state house like city hall and ask for a permit or just ask the land owners good luck !

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