Monday, December 5, 2011

What is the saddest film that you have ever seen?

That made you cry the most??

It used to be Life is Beautiful for me (the Italian film about a little boy and his father who get taken into a concentration camp). It's an amazing film and so sad, you should see it if you haven't already.

But recently I saw A Boy in The Striped Pyjamas and I have never cried so much at a film. You should read the book before seeing it if you haven't already. But be prepared to cry. A lot. I was still crying when I came out the cinema.|||to be honest - i cry at everything.

i think i cried the most at 'the notebook' it was so touching %26amp; i hope that if i loose my memory that my husbnd will come to read us our love story. - the way they died together really touched my heart. i think it's a beautiful movie, although slightly boring at parts.

i cry every single time i see 'remember me'. tyler and ally have a beautiful relationship, but it doesnt end well. tyler's a messed up person %26amp; i think that makes it even sadder.

'dear john' is a great movie as well. it's so sad that after they fall in love they won't meet for ages. it really got to me. i realised that love isn't always easy.|||It would have to be between 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' or 'Anne Frank' (the most recent film made about her). Both movies made me cry for a long time.

'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' because it is terrible how children were murdered during the Holocaust. I am appalled that the Nazis murdered innocent children.

'Anne Frank' because the movie depicts concentration camp life at its most disturbing. The part when Anne's sister dies really gets to me because I can't imagine losing my sister or brother. And the fact that Anne has to die alone with nobody just makes me cry.|||Secret. It's got an amazing story line and I loved it because it involved music and the intensity and pain were just excruciating and beautiful.|||Cinema Paradiso (1988)|||probably Penny Serenade (1941)|||if the ending of mighty joe young doesnt get you then you must be a robot

as a kids film it was cheesy but man that ending got me good|||I never forget that movie that is know as the pursuit of happiness of will smith..鈥?/a>|||My Sister's Keeper had me in tears.|||The Human Centipede. I could not stop crying.|||Marley and Me.|||rain man

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